Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Prayers and Stupid People

First of all, my prayers go to the sole survivor of the Comair plane crash here in Kentucky. Updates tonight list him as still in critical condition but improving. Amazing to me was that while he has several broken bones and stuff, he was not burned in the crash. I cannot believe that happened. Hopefully he will make a full recovery.

Second, I cannot believe how stupid some girls are! I am watching BB tonight and am just amazed at the stupidity of some of the female players on the show. If you are a guy, you should so go and try out for the next one, cause apparently they only accept girls in need of attention. Chill Town did it again tonight and completely showmanced their way to staying off the nomination block. Unfortunately for Erika, it will come back to bite her in the ass because Boogie is so playing her for a fool. At this point, I am rooting for whoever will/can take Chill Town down. I still just cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would let the only person who actually won on their season stay in the game. They keep saying how bad he is and how he can't win any of the competitions. He doesn't have too! They are doing the dirty work for him. Why win and put himself up as a target? He's not stupid. That much is apparent from his win several years ago. I just can't stand stupid people who stab their friends in the back just for the attention of some guy!

Last night, I was reading emails and had not one but four emails from parents of students of mine. WTF? How in the hell did they get my home email? As if I have any information to give them from home? I emailed one of the parents back tonight and found out that my home email is listed on the online site where parents can check their kids grades. WTF? Who did that? So not right, gotta work on getting that changed and fast! My time at home is my time and I do not want to be bombarded with parent emails at school and then also at home. Who in their right mind puts a teacher's home email at parents' access? Oh wait...administration! That's right! They lose all sense of intelligence when they move from the classroom to the front office! Agravating!

So then I'm sitting in a teacher's meeting this afternoon and we are discussing lesson plans and stuff and one of the teachers come up with this bullshit about how we should not be doing these lesson plans but rather should be helping the new teachers with classroom management and how to control a classroom. WTF? Give me a break! I am not about to coddle a new teacher. They can figure it out on their own just as I had to. That may sound harsh, but it really made me boil today. Poor babies, never been in a classroom, blah, blah, blah! I'm sure their problem is the same as mine was my first year of teaching. I was too nice and the kids ran all over me! Get mean! Be strict! But of course be fair! It just really irritates me when I have to sit through this bullshit! I know how to do my job and I'm good at it! Unfortunately because of that, I have to help all of those who are not. They get away with being stupid because someone will step in and help them and hold their hand. Whatever! If I was as stupid as some of the people hired to teach school these days, I would never have lasted the first year. Teaching is a gift, you either have it or you don't. If you don't, then get out and quit wasting my time! Can you tell I'm a little peeved? Probably offended someone out there, if so, sorry, but had to speak my mind.


ThatGuy said...

I prefer stupid people should die in stupid ways...

erika said...

Arggggg!!!! Why oh Why???? They could of taken it but noooooo lets have Chill Town!