Sunday, August 13, 2006


This weekend was pretty boring for me, worked 7-2 Saturday and Sunday at the golf course and then just vegged on the couch for the rest of the day saving my energy for the upcoming school week. The little darlings will be here on Wednesday and then its full steam ahead until fall break in October.

Did anyone watch Big Brother tonight? I cannot believe they did that to Erika! That sucks! I understand the need for the game to be fair, but come on. At least play it again and have two HOH's or something. And then of all people to win...that stupid Janelle...for the third freaking time! This is getting old. And then she puts Erika up on the to be a low moment for Erika to go from being HOH one moment to nominated the next. A war has definitely started and I am hoping the right side wins...that being whatever side gets Janelle out of the house. I would love to see Danielle win the Coup d'Etat whatever that is...but to guess after only one clue...I don't know. Risky! Hopefully whoever wins it puts her and Howie up for eviction and she will finally leave us all in peace!

So while I posted about thinking about a move, I hadn't really talked about it with anyone here at home in the real world. Tonight I had a conversation with my parents tonight and told them I was not happy living here in KY and was actually thinking of moving in the spring out of state and just getting a change of atmosphere. They know that I'm just not happy here and actually agreed with my thoughts...that if I'm going to go, now would be the time. Not to wait and keep being miserable. I'm bored and just need something new. I used to hang out with my best friend all the time and then she got married this summer and now she's pregnant so I know things will never be the same again between us. I know we will always be close, but we won't get out and do things like we used to. And since she's really the only really close friend I have here, why not take that plunge and start something new. Such a scary and expensive thought though. At least I have 9 months to figure it out..LOL!


ThatGuy said...

everything changes with marriage and kids. kids moreso. if you are close, and both work at it, the friendship will survive. i've had too many go the way of the dodo due to inability of both sides to work to keep the friendship. good luck with the job search also.

The Volpinator said...

yeah...i know we will stay close...we will just have to adapt to our new will be fine, just not the same...and with me being single...we will just have different interests...definitely not going to abandon it!

KJ said...

Love ya' girl

Blessed said...

Now I just can't imagine why KY would be boring and why you just might need a change of atmosphere?
Seriously, I do understand I live in KY too.
If I could I would move closer to the ocean.
I can't cuz I'm married and my husband's business is here.
Can't do his kind of business where I want to go.
NEwho, I wish you luck on your decision. A very exciting and nerve racking decision.