Monday went well at school today...well as well as it could I reckon. Had to deal with a little punk in class. I cannot stand this kid and he knows it. He is just hateful and vengeful and won't do anything. I am trying to be as patient and nice as I can be but he just grates on every nerve I have. Today instead of working he just sat there and picked on other kids. So I moved him up front and then he makes the comment "Why are you always picking on me?" I just about exploded! Thankfully, I only have to deal with him for 6 weeks or so and then he is someone else's problem!
On a positive note, I am planning a trip to Las Vegas in October and I was finally able to buy a plane ticket and get a roommate! I have been searching and searching for weeks for a plane ticket that was reasonably priced. I thought I had one on Southwest for under $400 and when I went to check another place and came back it was gone! I was so frustrated. Every site I checked had a decent priced flight and then when I went to buy it, it changed! AAHH! Well I decided to try SW one more time last week and found the ticket I saw had suddently reappeared. Needless to say, I purchased it instantly. So excited cause I have never been to Vegas! My only issue now is that the flight leaves at like 4pm and I don't get out of school until 3:30 so got get that one figured out so I can leave school early that day. I'll figure it out somehow.
As for BB, I cannot believe that Erika and Janelle are falling for Chill Town's lies! Makes me want to go through the TV and just shake them! I wish the girls would get wise and realize they need to get the boys out of the house! They could so do that easily! I really thought Erika was gonna put up Will but she let Boogie get to her...those two boys are gonna win it all...that is unless Danielle wins HOH next week...I think she will definitely put them both up! Go Danielle!
Finally, got an email with the following suggested book titles. Hope they make you laugh!

wonderful books, i've read them all cover to cover twice.
I'll just bet you have! And what did you learn?
LOL @ the come I didn't get this emai!?!?!?
Sorry KJ, it came here last night when I was trying to write the post...LOL! no slight intended!
Love the titles.
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