Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I survived!

Today was the first day of the new school year with the students. Things started really well this morning. I actually got up on time, had breakfast, got dressed and was ready to leave the house on time. Then it got interesting. First, my normal 5-10 minute drive to work took 30 due to traffic around the school complex. It was crazy! Remember that whole traffic nightmare for me, how it follows me around...well it showed up this morning. I was about 2 minutes from school, pulled up over the hill and just had to stop, yes stop right there in the middle of the road. There are two ways to get to the high school. You can either travel in front of the middle school or the elementary school. This morning both ways were bumper to bumper all the way back out to the main road. Okay now this doesn't sound too bad, but from the point I was at it is like 1/4 to 1/2 mile to the high school. And all I could do was sit and move forward a few feet at a time. I left the house at 7:30 and finally pulled into my parking spot at 8:00. Class started at 8:09.

So class is going along fine and I'm introducing myself and going through rules, etc. when my shoe breaks. I had worn strappy sandals trying to little professional and nice on the first day of school. Well when the strap broke, I couldn't keep the shoe on. So what to do? Don't have any other shoes with me, can't go barefoot...hmmm? Well I got a little redneck and got out the stapler and actually stapled the strap back on my shoe. It worked! Now don't fret, I took the shoe to the repair shop after school to have it fixed for real. Sucks, those cause I really like those shoes, and now I'll be waiting for the other one to break.

Now ladies, you will understand this next one. As the day is progressing, the third thing happens. They always come in threes. Well Aunt Flo showed up and I was totally unprepared. So then I go off scrounging with all the female staff members looking for a little assistance.

The rest of the day went pretty well I guess. Got a couple of little delinquents I'm going to have to keep my eyes on I can already tell. But fortunately one of the worst actually got sent off to the behavior management school cause he so does not need to be at our school. He is totally unmanageable and has severe anger issues. It was funny, though cause I had him during third block and during 5th block he came by, stuck his head in and said goodbye. I, of course, was very understanding to his face but inside I am so celebrating! YES! He's gone and I do a little happy dance in my mind.

Need to rant a little about BB since I did not post yesterday. Was so glad to see Danielle win the POV but can the guys be any more obvious! How stupid! Of course, since Janelle is so stupid, James talks his way out of the betrayal playing dumb. Danielle comes off and Marcellus goes up. As much as I don't want to see Marcellus leave, I would rather he go then Erika. Guess we'll see on Thursday and I can't wait to see what this whole Coup d'Etat is all about!

Hope you had a great day!


KJ said...

Oh dear stapled your shoe!!!

And Aunt Flow all in one day?

You poor thing

ThatGuy said...

Congrats on making it through, I can't think of many more things that you could have had going against you. Consider yourself a superstar.

The Volpinator said...

Kristen: What else was I supposed to do? It sure looked better than duct tape which of course would have been even more redneck! LOL!

Thatguy: Thanks! definitely couldn't have been a lot more go on, hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Blessed said...

I've always wondered how teachers deal with the delinquents.
You have to deal and take so much.
When I was in school there was really no place or school for deliquents with anger issues.
I admire teachers and all the bull that they have to deal with.
How do you keep the kids in line?
How do you enforce and yet remain likeable?
How do you keep your patience?
How do you get their attention?

The Volpinator said...

yeah there's a lot of bull..that's a definite!

no problem keeping them in line...they know not to cross me

enforce and still be liked comes with being fair and consistent and finding something to talk to the kids about outside of school related topics

patience is difficult...sometimes i just have to walk into the hallway and calm down...but above all you have to remember you are the adult

I'm a nut in class...very energetic and crazy...hands waving and sudden vocal intonations...jumping and yeehawing...just make them laugh!