I'm sexy and I do what I want!
This is funny!
Pick the month you were born:
January--I kicked
February--I loved
March--I smoked
April--I dry humped
May--I choked on
June--I murdered
July--I did the Macarena with
August--I had lunch with
September--I danced with
October--I sang to
November--I yelled at
December--I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a Mexican
6-------a gangster
7-------my cell phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbor
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29-------a permanent marker
30-------a llama
31-------A homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White----------because I'm cool like that
Black-----------because that's how I roll.
Pink------------because I'm NOT a homosexual
Red------------because the voices told me to
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I hate myself
Purple---------because I'm cool
Gray----------because I was drunk
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange-------because I hate my family
Brown--------because I was high
Other-------because I'm a ninja
None--------because I cant control myself
Ok, y'all have fun now ya hear?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Prayers and Stupid People
First of all, my prayers go to the sole survivor of the Comair plane crash here in Kentucky. Updates tonight list him as still in critical condition but improving. Amazing to me was that while he has several broken bones and stuff, he was not burned in the crash. I cannot believe that happened. Hopefully he will make a full recovery.
Second, I cannot believe how stupid some girls are! I am watching BB tonight and am just amazed at the stupidity of some of the female players on the show. If you are a guy, you should so go and try out for the next one, cause apparently they only accept girls in need of attention. Chill Town did it again tonight and completely showmanced their way to staying off the nomination block. Unfortunately for Erika, it will come back to bite her in the ass because Boogie is so playing her for a fool. At this point, I am rooting for whoever will/can take Chill Town down. I still just cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would let the only person who actually won on their season stay in the game. They keep saying how bad he is and how he can't win any of the competitions. He doesn't have too! They are doing the dirty work for him. Why win and put himself up as a target? He's not stupid. That much is apparent from his win several years ago. I just can't stand stupid people who stab their friends in the back just for the attention of some guy!
Last night, I was reading emails and had not one but four emails from parents of students of mine. WTF? How in the hell did they get my home email? As if I have any information to give them from home? I emailed one of the parents back tonight and found out that my home email is listed on the online site where parents can check their kids grades. WTF? Who did that? So not right, gotta work on getting that changed and fast! My time at home is my time and I do not want to be bombarded with parent emails at school and then also at home. Who in their right mind puts a teacher's home email at parents' access? Oh wait...administration! That's right! They lose all sense of intelligence when they move from the classroom to the front office! Agravating!
So then I'm sitting in a teacher's meeting this afternoon and we are discussing lesson plans and stuff and one of the teachers come up with this bullshit about how we should not be doing these lesson plans but rather should be helping the new teachers with classroom management and how to control a classroom. WTF? Give me a break! I am not about to coddle a new teacher. They can figure it out on their own just as I had to. That may sound harsh, but it really made me boil today. Poor babies, never been in a classroom, blah, blah, blah! I'm sure their problem is the same as mine was my first year of teaching. I was too nice and the kids ran all over me! Get mean! Be strict! But of course be fair! It just really irritates me when I have to sit through this bullshit! I know how to do my job and I'm good at it! Unfortunately because of that, I have to help all of those who are not. They get away with being stupid because someone will step in and help them and hold their hand. Whatever! If I was as stupid as some of the people hired to teach school these days, I would never have lasted the first year. Teaching is a gift, you either have it or you don't. If you don't, then get out and quit wasting my time! Can you tell I'm a little peeved? Probably offended someone out there, if so, sorry, but had to speak my mind.
Second, I cannot believe how stupid some girls are! I am watching BB tonight and am just amazed at the stupidity of some of the female players on the show. If you are a guy, you should so go and try out for the next one, cause apparently they only accept girls in need of attention. Chill Town did it again tonight and completely showmanced their way to staying off the nomination block. Unfortunately for Erika, it will come back to bite her in the ass because Boogie is so playing her for a fool. At this point, I am rooting for whoever will/can take Chill Town down. I still just cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would let the only person who actually won on their season stay in the game. They keep saying how bad he is and how he can't win any of the competitions. He doesn't have too! They are doing the dirty work for him. Why win and put himself up as a target? He's not stupid. That much is apparent from his win several years ago. I just can't stand stupid people who stab their friends in the back just for the attention of some guy!
Last night, I was reading emails and had not one but four emails from parents of students of mine. WTF? How in the hell did they get my home email? As if I have any information to give them from home? I emailed one of the parents back tonight and found out that my home email is listed on the online site where parents can check their kids grades. WTF? Who did that? So not right, gotta work on getting that changed and fast! My time at home is my time and I do not want to be bombarded with parent emails at school and then also at home. Who in their right mind puts a teacher's home email at parents' access? Oh wait...administration! That's right! They lose all sense of intelligence when they move from the classroom to the front office! Agravating!
So then I'm sitting in a teacher's meeting this afternoon and we are discussing lesson plans and stuff and one of the teachers come up with this bullshit about how we should not be doing these lesson plans but rather should be helping the new teachers with classroom management and how to control a classroom. WTF? Give me a break! I am not about to coddle a new teacher. They can figure it out on their own just as I had to. That may sound harsh, but it really made me boil today. Poor babies, never been in a classroom, blah, blah, blah! I'm sure their problem is the same as mine was my first year of teaching. I was too nice and the kids ran all over me! Get mean! Be strict! But of course be fair! It just really irritates me when I have to sit through this bullshit! I know how to do my job and I'm good at it! Unfortunately because of that, I have to help all of those who are not. They get away with being stupid because someone will step in and help them and hold their hand. Whatever! If I was as stupid as some of the people hired to teach school these days, I would never have lasted the first year. Teaching is a gift, you either have it or you don't. If you don't, then get out and quit wasting my time! Can you tell I'm a little peeved? Probably offended someone out there, if so, sorry, but had to speak my mind.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Weekend Happenings
So as you may know, I went out Friday night with the girls (and guys!) in Louisville. It was definitely a good time as the pics on KJ's blog show (www.kjsayshitmewithyourbestshot.blogspot.com). I ran into an old friend from high school and even a girl I used to babysit when I was a teenager. That was really weird! LOL! However it was definitely an early morning when I had to go to work on Saturday. Originally I had to be there at 7 but thankfully was able to push it to 8...that helped but not a lot. I got home on Saturday and just crashed. Slept most of the day on Saturday. Then back to work on Sunday at the same time. Somehow, I was able to do the laundry and dishes that afternoon so as to be ready for another work week.
Monday went well at school today...well as well as it could I reckon. Had to deal with a little punk in class. I cannot stand this kid and he knows it. He is just hateful and vengeful and won't do anything. I am trying to be as patient and nice as I can be but he just grates on every nerve I have. Today instead of working he just sat there and picked on other kids. So I moved him up front and then he makes the comment "Why are you always picking on me?" I just about exploded! Thankfully, I only have to deal with him for 6 weeks or so and then he is someone else's problem!
On a positive note, I am planning a trip to Las Vegas in October and I was finally able to buy a plane ticket and get a roommate! I have been searching and searching for weeks for a plane ticket that was reasonably priced. I thought I had one on Southwest for under $400 and when I went to check another place and came back it was gone! I was so frustrated. Every site I checked had a decent priced flight and then when I went to buy it, it changed! AAHH! Well I decided to try SW one more time last week and found the ticket I saw before...it had suddently reappeared. Needless to say, I purchased it instantly. So excited cause I have never been to Vegas! My only issue now is that the flight leaves at like 4pm and I don't get out of school until 3:30 so got get that one figured out so I can leave school early that day. I'll figure it out somehow.
As for BB, I cannot believe that Erika and Janelle are falling for Chill Town's lies! Makes me want to go through the TV and just shake them! I wish the girls would get wise and realize they need to get the boys out of the house! They could so do that easily! I really thought Erika was gonna put up Will but she let Boogie get to her...those two boys are gonna win it all...that is unless Danielle wins HOH next week...I think she will definitely put them both up! Go Danielle!
Finally, got an email with the following suggested book titles. Hope they make you laugh!

Monday went well at school today...well as well as it could I reckon. Had to deal with a little punk in class. I cannot stand this kid and he knows it. He is just hateful and vengeful and won't do anything. I am trying to be as patient and nice as I can be but he just grates on every nerve I have. Today instead of working he just sat there and picked on other kids. So I moved him up front and then he makes the comment "Why are you always picking on me?" I just about exploded! Thankfully, I only have to deal with him for 6 weeks or so and then he is someone else's problem!
On a positive note, I am planning a trip to Las Vegas in October and I was finally able to buy a plane ticket and get a roommate! I have been searching and searching for weeks for a plane ticket that was reasonably priced. I thought I had one on Southwest for under $400 and when I went to check another place and came back it was gone! I was so frustrated. Every site I checked had a decent priced flight and then when I went to buy it, it changed! AAHH! Well I decided to try SW one more time last week and found the ticket I saw before...it had suddently reappeared. Needless to say, I purchased it instantly. So excited cause I have never been to Vegas! My only issue now is that the flight leaves at like 4pm and I don't get out of school until 3:30 so got get that one figured out so I can leave school early that day. I'll figure it out somehow.
As for BB, I cannot believe that Erika and Janelle are falling for Chill Town's lies! Makes me want to go through the TV and just shake them! I wish the girls would get wise and realize they need to get the boys out of the house! They could so do that easily! I really thought Erika was gonna put up Will but she let Boogie get to her...those two boys are gonna win it all...that is unless Danielle wins HOH next week...I think she will definitely put them both up! Go Danielle!
Finally, got an email with the following suggested book titles. Hope they make you laugh!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
What year do you belong in?
Not much to talk about today but this was on my myspace page so I thought I would share...
As for BB, you know I watched last night and James so lied himself right out of the house. What a shame. And Janelle as the POV winner yet again! She has 9 lives! Will she ever leave?
You Belong in 1969 |
If you scored... 1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in! 1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too. 1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all! 1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. 1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! |
As for BB, you know I watched last night and James so lied himself right out of the house. What a shame. And Janelle as the POV winner yet again! She has 9 lives! Will she ever leave?
Monday, August 21, 2006
My new toy!
So I paid off my truck back in May and had been contemplating a new vehicle due to have more cargo needs with tennis equipment, golf clubs, etc. Anyway, I started researching what to get, and found the most awesome vehicle! Yes, I bought a 2006 Toyota Highlander Hybrid.
This vehicle is awesome! It has a moonroof, a 6 disc changer, a third row fold down seat, cruise control, tinted windows, and power everything. Now I say this because the old pickup truck had none of those things. I am just in heaven now at least until the first payment comes due! LOL!
On other notes, BB was hilarious last night! I was rolling when Howie was put on the block and he just threw a tantrum. And then when he was voted out, I thought he was going to come back and just slug Boogie! Absolutely cackling! Then for the HOH competition. I was biting my nails as it came down to Janelle and Mike...praying that Janelle would not win her fourth HOH! That would have been too much! Thanksfully Mike took the key and hopefully they can get her out now!
Did a get to know you activity at school today and found out that in one class I have the following characters. A beauty queen, a Wiccan, a devout Christian, and an atheist. Now how's that for an interesting group of kids. It would definitely be interesting if any serious discussion came up. Also found out that one of the boys likes a type of music called Screamo...I have never heard of this...basically they just scream. What's up with that?
On other notes, BB was hilarious last night! I was rolling when Howie was put on the block and he just threw a tantrum. And then when he was voted out, I thought he was going to come back and just slug Boogie! Absolutely cackling! Then for the HOH competition. I was biting my nails as it came down to Janelle and Mike...praying that Janelle would not win her fourth HOH! That would have been too much! Thanksfully Mike took the key and hopefully they can get her out now!
Did a get to know you activity at school today and found out that in one class I have the following characters. A beauty queen, a Wiccan, a devout Christian, and an atheist. Now how's that for an interesting group of kids. It would definitely be interesting if any serious discussion came up. Also found out that one of the boys likes a type of music called Screamo...I have never heard of this...basically they just scream. What's up with that?
Anyway, hope your week started off well.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Finally Friday
Okay so I honestly thought this day would never arrive...LOL! I just finished my first "week" with the delinquents I work with at school. Yeah, so this week was only three days, but so exhausting! All that rushing to get ready and be prepared just completely zonks you. OF course, now that I'm so tired...I am actually sitting at the golf course (my second home) and working that job! Plus, I have to be back here in the morning at 7am. Woo Hoo! Since nothing of any real importance happened today figured I would follow the crowd and just leave some random things that really have nothing to do with each other!
So the drive to work is getting better...from 30 minutes Wednesday down to 15 today. I actually made it to school in time to do my morning supervision - Bathroom Duty! Yeah, that's right! I get to go and stand in the bathroom for like 20 minutes every morning and make sure the young ladies don't light up! Fun times!
Got an email from another friend of mine today. Surprise! She's getting married and wants to invite me to the wedding! Another damn wedding! I'm surrounded by wedding showers and baby showers! Just what I want and need to do...buy gifts and celebrate someone else's happiness!
Of course, I have to talk BB. Watched the show last night, just waiting to see what this whole coup d'etat was all about. Thankfully, one of the LOD boys won so at least that gives us a safety net for the next evictions. Figured Marcellus would go and he did...which is fine by me...don't have to see him walking around in that stupid white bathrobe with the sleep mask anymore. That was starting to get a little old!
Then the HOH competition. And of course, Janelle was voted prom queen. Why does America still love her so much? I know she is a fierce competitor but she is playing the game this year so stupidly. I mean how dumb does she have to be to not see she is being played from all directions! She told Chill Town to vote out Erika and the vote was unanimous to vote out Marcellus. They didn't do what they told her yet again! Surprise! Absolutely loved it when Chicken George won the HOH! That was awesome. I was laughing when he said "I'm in the finals of something!" and then when he won, he was so funny! The only bad part was when he nominated James and Erika. He was sure quick to put up James probably because James' group nominated him. But Erika? That surprised me. First he votes to save her and then puts her right back up! What was up with that? What I really want to see happen is Boogie use his special power and take both of them off the block since they are his secret allies and put up Janelle and Howie, vote Janelle out, and leave Howie without a leg to stand on. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.So the drive to work is getting better...from 30 minutes Wednesday down to 15 today. I actually made it to school in time to do my morning supervision - Bathroom Duty! Yeah, that's right! I get to go and stand in the bathroom for like 20 minutes every morning and make sure the young ladies don't light up! Fun times!
Got an email from another friend of mine today. Surprise! She's getting married and wants to invite me to the wedding! Another damn wedding! I'm surrounded by wedding showers and baby showers! Just what I want and need to do...buy gifts and celebrate someone else's happiness!
Of course, I have to talk BB. Watched the show last night, just waiting to see what this whole coup d'etat was all about. Thankfully, one of the LOD boys won so at least that gives us a safety net for the next evictions. Figured Marcellus would go and he did...which is fine by me...don't have to see him walking around in that stupid white bathrobe with the sleep mask anymore. That was starting to get a little old!
I'm in the market for a new vehicle having finally paid mine off back in the spring. Now I know what some of you are going to say...are you crazy! NO car payment and you want to get another! Well I do. Actually going tomorrow to look at an 06 Toyota Highlander Hybrid. Love this SUV...gets like 31 mpg city driving, which of course is most of what I do. Drive to work, drive home. Of course when taking my spontaneous road trips, there's an advantage too...27 miles highway. That's better than I get now! I hit a dip in the road today though when I called the bank and they would only approve me for about 70% of the cost of the vehicle. Now what to do? I really want this car...gotta figure something out.
Got to work tonight and got a surprise! A cash bonus for one of the tournaments we do...love the cash tips! No record! Now where to spend it....hmmm....
And what's up with married men hitting on me! I mean what girl doesn't like compliments but when old married men look you up and down and whistle...ewww that's just gross! I mean do I have a sign on my back that says "yes, if you are old and married, please ogle me!"
Anyway, hope you had/have a great Friday!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Just a quick post before I head off to work to wish my good friend ThatGuy a fabulous birthday! Have a great one!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I survived!
Today was the first day of the new school year with the students. Things started really well this morning. I actually got up on time, had breakfast, got dressed and was ready to leave the house on time. Then it got interesting. First, my normal 5-10 minute drive to work took 30 due to traffic around the school complex. It was crazy! Remember that whole traffic nightmare for me, how it follows me around...well it showed up this morning. I was about 2 minutes from school, pulled up over the hill and just had to stop, yes stop right there in the middle of the road. There are two ways to get to the high school. You can either travel in front of the middle school or the elementary school. This morning both ways were bumper to bumper all the way back out to the main road. Okay now this doesn't sound too bad, but from the point I was at it is like 1/4 to 1/2 mile to the high school. And all I could do was sit and move forward a few feet at a time. I left the house at 7:30 and finally pulled into my parking spot at 8:00. Class started at 8:09.
So class is going along fine and I'm introducing myself and going through rules, etc. when my shoe breaks. I had worn strappy sandals trying to little professional and nice on the first day of school. Well when the strap broke, I couldn't keep the shoe on. So what to do? Don't have any other shoes with me, can't go barefoot...hmmm? Well I got a little redneck and got out the stapler and actually stapled the strap back on my shoe. It worked! Now don't fret, I took the shoe to the repair shop after school to have it fixed for real. Sucks, those cause I really like those shoes, and now I'll be waiting for the other one to break.
Now ladies, you will understand this next one. As the day is progressing, the third thing happens. They always come in threes. Well Aunt Flo showed up and I was totally unprepared. So then I go off scrounging with all the female staff members looking for a little assistance.
The rest of the day went pretty well I guess. Got a couple of little delinquents I'm going to have to keep my eyes on I can already tell. But fortunately one of the worst actually got sent off to the behavior management school cause he so does not need to be at our school. He is totally unmanageable and has severe anger issues. It was funny, though cause I had him during third block and during 5th block he came by, stuck his head in and said goodbye. I, of course, was very understanding to his face but inside I am so celebrating! YES! He's gone and I do a little happy dance in my mind.
Need to rant a little about BB since I did not post yesterday. Was so glad to see Danielle win the POV but can the guys be any more obvious! How stupid! Of course, since Janelle is so stupid, James talks his way out of the betrayal playing dumb. Danielle comes off and Marcellus goes up. As much as I don't want to see Marcellus leave, I would rather he go then Erika. Guess we'll see on Thursday and I can't wait to see what this whole Coup d'Etat is all about!
Hope you had a great day!
So class is going along fine and I'm introducing myself and going through rules, etc. when my shoe breaks. I had worn strappy sandals trying to little professional and nice on the first day of school. Well when the strap broke, I couldn't keep the shoe on. So what to do? Don't have any other shoes with me, can't go barefoot...hmmm? Well I got a little redneck and got out the stapler and actually stapled the strap back on my shoe. It worked! Now don't fret, I took the shoe to the repair shop after school to have it fixed for real. Sucks, those cause I really like those shoes, and now I'll be waiting for the other one to break.
Now ladies, you will understand this next one. As the day is progressing, the third thing happens. They always come in threes. Well Aunt Flo showed up and I was totally unprepared. So then I go off scrounging with all the female staff members looking for a little assistance.
The rest of the day went pretty well I guess. Got a couple of little delinquents I'm going to have to keep my eyes on I can already tell. But fortunately one of the worst actually got sent off to the behavior management school cause he so does not need to be at our school. He is totally unmanageable and has severe anger issues. It was funny, though cause I had him during third block and during 5th block he came by, stuck his head in and said goodbye. I, of course, was very understanding to his face but inside I am so celebrating! YES! He's gone and I do a little happy dance in my mind.
Need to rant a little about BB since I did not post yesterday. Was so glad to see Danielle win the POV but can the guys be any more obvious! How stupid! Of course, since Janelle is so stupid, James talks his way out of the betrayal playing dumb. Danielle comes off and Marcellus goes up. As much as I don't want to see Marcellus leave, I would rather he go then Erika. Guess we'll see on Thursday and I can't wait to see what this whole Coup d'Etat is all about!
Hope you had a great day!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Double Tag
So today was opening day for me...basically an incredibly long meeting about new rules and procedures, class schedules and supervision duties. BORING! I had lunch with my best friend and I finally told her about the way I had been feeling and what I might be contemplating on doing next spring with the move. She told me as did my parents, that she already knew. Then she said something that really made me feel bad. She said that sometimes she didn't know if I was truly happy for her or just acting. I felt like 2 inches tall. I love her like she was my sister. Of course I am happy for her! I want her to get everything she wants and always be happy! Of course, when she thinks that it's probably those times when I am feeling down about my own life and just not doing a really good job of putting up that front. I know that I'm jealous of her...how can I not be? I really try to keep that green monster at bay but sometimes it's just hard. Anyway, she understood why I felt the way I did and we agreed to make a conscious effort to get together more during the year. Sometimes though I feel like that is her feeling sorry for me. Maybe I shouldn't but I do. Okay gotta get off that subject...so depressing, and I'm not in a depressing mood right now.
AFter we finished at school, we had a cookout at my principal's house. That was fun...played cornhole for the first time. I sucked at the beginning...every beanbag kept sliding off the board. I thought I would be good at it to start with since I pitched a little in slow pitch softball but it was hard. Finally got in the rhythm though and then my principal who I was playing against had to start talking trash. It didn't work though...we were down 18-4 and came back to win 21-20. I'm so competitive I just had to keep trying until I got it.
Okay so my first tag! Actually from several people:
Blessed (http://2bcontinuallyblessed.blogspot.com/)
KJ (http://kjsayshitmewithyourbestshot.blogspot.com/)
Tag No. 1
Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Kmart cashier
2. 4-H Camp counselor
3. Billing clerk for Yellow Freight
4. High school teacher
Four movies I could watch over and over
1. any Star Wars
2. Gone with the wind
3. Dirty Dancing
4. West Side Story
Four places I have lived:
1. Stamping Ground, KY
2. Carlisle, KY
3. Bowling Green, KY
4. Frankfort, KY
Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Big Brother
2. Invasion
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Lost
Four places I've been on vacation
1. Seattle
2. Caribbean
3. Florida
4. New York City
Four of my favorite websites
1. myspace.com
2. blogger.com
3. yahoo.com
4. weather.gov ( ok so i know this is boring...but i coach tennis and work at a golf course)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. pizza
2. pasta
3. steak
4. french fries
What would I rather be doing
Tag No. 2
2 moments you would like to erase
1. car accident in high school
2. cosigning exboyfriends truck
4 moments you would like to relive
1. first date
2. cruise in Caribbean
3. walking on beach at sunset
4. college graduation
2 places you wouldn't like to go again
haven't really been anywhere that bad
4 places you can't wait to go again
1. caribbean
2. beach
3. Senor Frogs
4. New York
2 foods you can't stand
1. brussel sprouts
2. tomatoes
4 foods you love
(see above)
2 current songs that make you change the station
1. Anything by Dwight Yoakum
2. most rap songs
4 current songs you play over and over
1. Finding a Good Man - Danielle Peck
2. Jesus Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood
3. She Didn't Have Time - Terri Clark
4. Closer - Dierks Bentley
2 books you never finished/or read again
1. The Perfect Storm
2. too many to name (see below)
4 books you have read more than once/or will read again
(usually don't read books twice...too many of them out there I want to read at least once but...)
1. any of the Left Behind series
2. any Stephen King book
3. Angels and Demons
4. North and South
Anybody want to take a double tag?????
AFter we finished at school, we had a cookout at my principal's house. That was fun...played cornhole for the first time. I sucked at the beginning...every beanbag kept sliding off the board. I thought I would be good at it to start with since I pitched a little in slow pitch softball but it was hard. Finally got in the rhythm though and then my principal who I was playing against had to start talking trash. It didn't work though...we were down 18-4 and came back to win 21-20. I'm so competitive I just had to keep trying until I got it.
Okay so my first tag! Actually from several people:
Blessed (http://2bcontinuallyblessed.blogspot.com/)
KJ (http://kjsayshitmewithyourbestshot.blogspot.com/)
Tag No. 1
Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Kmart cashier
2. 4-H Camp counselor
3. Billing clerk for Yellow Freight
4. High school teacher
Four movies I could watch over and over
1. any Star Wars
2. Gone with the wind
3. Dirty Dancing
4. West Side Story
Four places I have lived:
1. Stamping Ground, KY
2. Carlisle, KY
3. Bowling Green, KY
4. Frankfort, KY
Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Big Brother
2. Invasion
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Lost
Four places I've been on vacation
1. Seattle
2. Caribbean
3. Florida
4. New York City
Four of my favorite websites
1. myspace.com
2. blogger.com
3. yahoo.com
4. weather.gov ( ok so i know this is boring...but i coach tennis and work at a golf course)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. pizza
2. pasta
3. steak
4. french fries
What would I rather be doing
Tag No. 2
2 moments you would like to erase
1. car accident in high school
2. cosigning exboyfriends truck
4 moments you would like to relive
1. first date
2. cruise in Caribbean
3. walking on beach at sunset
4. college graduation
2 places you wouldn't like to go again
haven't really been anywhere that bad
4 places you can't wait to go again
1. caribbean
2. beach
3. Senor Frogs
4. New York
2 foods you can't stand
1. brussel sprouts
2. tomatoes
4 foods you love
(see above)
2 current songs that make you change the station
1. Anything by Dwight Yoakum
2. most rap songs
4 current songs you play over and over
1. Finding a Good Man - Danielle Peck
2. Jesus Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood
3. She Didn't Have Time - Terri Clark
4. Closer - Dierks Bentley
2 books you never finished/or read again
1. The Perfect Storm
2. too many to name (see below)
4 books you have read more than once/or will read again
(usually don't read books twice...too many of them out there I want to read at least once but...)
1. any of the Left Behind series
2. any Stephen King book
3. Angels and Demons
4. North and South
Anybody want to take a double tag?????
Sunday, August 13, 2006
This weekend was pretty boring for me, worked 7-2 Saturday and Sunday at the golf course and then just vegged on the couch for the rest of the day saving my energy for the upcoming school week. The little darlings will be here on Wednesday and then its full steam ahead until fall break in October.
Did anyone watch Big Brother tonight? I cannot believe they did that to Erika! That sucks! I understand the need for the game to be fair, but come on. At least play it again and have two HOH's or something. And then of all people to win...that stupid Janelle...for the third freaking time! This is getting old. And then she puts Erika up on the block...got to be a low moment for Erika to go from being HOH one moment to nominated the next. A war has definitely started and I am hoping the right side wins...that being whatever side gets Janelle out of the house. I would love to see Danielle win the Coup d'Etat whatever that is...but to guess after only one clue...I don't know. Risky! Hopefully whoever wins it puts her and Howie up for eviction and she will finally leave us all in peace!
So while I posted about thinking about a move, I hadn't really talked about it with anyone here at home in the real world. Tonight I had a conversation with my parents tonight and told them I was not happy living here in KY and was actually thinking of moving in the spring out of state and just getting a change of atmosphere. They know that I'm just not happy here and actually agreed with my thoughts...that if I'm going to go, now would be the time. Not to wait and keep being miserable. I'm bored and just need something new. I used to hang out with my best friend all the time and then she got married this summer and now she's pregnant so I know things will never be the same again between us. I know we will always be close, but we won't get out and do things like we used to. And since she's really the only really close friend I have here, why not take that plunge and start something new. Such a scary and expensive thought though. At least I have 9 months to figure it out..LOL!
Did anyone watch Big Brother tonight? I cannot believe they did that to Erika! That sucks! I understand the need for the game to be fair, but come on. At least play it again and have two HOH's or something. And then of all people to win...that stupid Janelle...for the third freaking time! This is getting old. And then she puts Erika up on the block...got to be a low moment for Erika to go from being HOH one moment to nominated the next. A war has definitely started and I am hoping the right side wins...that being whatever side gets Janelle out of the house. I would love to see Danielle win the Coup d'Etat whatever that is...but to guess after only one clue...I don't know. Risky! Hopefully whoever wins it puts her and Howie up for eviction and she will finally leave us all in peace!
So while I posted about thinking about a move, I hadn't really talked about it with anyone here at home in the real world. Tonight I had a conversation with my parents tonight and told them I was not happy living here in KY and was actually thinking of moving in the spring out of state and just getting a change of atmosphere. They know that I'm just not happy here and actually agreed with my thoughts...that if I'm going to go, now would be the time. Not to wait and keep being miserable. I'm bored and just need something new. I used to hang out with my best friend all the time and then she got married this summer and now she's pregnant so I know things will never be the same again between us. I know we will always be close, but we won't get out and do things like we used to. And since she's really the only really close friend I have here, why not take that plunge and start something new. Such a scary and expensive thought though. At least I have 9 months to figure it out..LOL!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Ok so I’m at school today after one of the boring inservice sessions and we are sitting around talking and the conversation turns to one of my fellow teachers and the new guy she is seeing. Well, of course, as it always does, the conversation swings and it’s on me. They are all worried about why I'm not dating? And who would I like to date? How old would he be? How tall? What should he be interested in etc. etc. etc. Of course, they all have someone who would be perfect for me and want to fix me up. However my love life is not a topic for discussion. I am so damn tired of everyone thinking they can fix the situation. Every time the conversation comes up, it gets so uncomfortable. Yes I realize I am 30 years old and eternally single apparently but do you think I like it? Of course not! It's lonely, and boring, and just plain sucks. I would like to think that these people want what is best for me, but sometimes I just want to scream at them to leave me alone! I hate being made to feel small because I have certain qualities/characteristics I want, being made to feel judgmental just because I won’t date anyone and everyone. Maybe I am picky, but it’s my life! Maybe I shouldn’t feel this way, but I am suddenly on the verge of tears. I just have to get up and leave the room. I have to get out of this town and away from some of these people. They do not make me feel good about myself and I have to constantly be putting on a brave front when I am around them, as if nothing bothers me. I know that they don’t mean to do it, but they do and I am sick of feeling this way and having to fight back tears when my beliefs and feelings are attacked. I'm sick of being the single one, the third wheel, and always have to fight this battle with all my married and attached friends. I need some new friends, maybe even some single ones who can fight this battle with me. Anyone else out there ever feel this way?
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Many Thanks
First of all, I want to thank the people who tried to help me feel better yesterday after my horrible mood swing. Many thanks to my new friend "That Guy" and also to my friend Ann...she's the best!
As for BB tonight...thank god Kaysar went home. Cannot believe he is still sticking up for Janelle and cannot see how two faced she is as well as how stupidly she is playing the game. Congrats to Erika for winning the HOH...now let's just see if Janelle goes back up again! How funny would that be? As for the coup d'etat, that should definitely be interesting next week.
Finally, I am going to include a picture of my college roommate's new baby. He is so precious! And of course the original "baby" of the house, Hoss, is just a bit jealous...but he's adorable too!

Finally, I am going to include a picture of my college roommate's new baby. He is so precious! And of course the original "baby" of the house, Hoss, is just a bit jealous...but he's adorable too!

Anyway, that's all for now...pretty boring day what with school and the rain...
Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
So I woke up this morning, and felt great, ready to start the day and get the school year underway. Of course that quickly changed when I got to school and started listening to what they wanted us to do this year. Today, tomorrow, and Friday are what we call inservice and they are such a load of crap. Basically they are taking three days to tell me how to do something I could do in three hours if they would just let me sit and work on it. I am not a very patient person sometimes and it just pisses me off that I have to sit and listen as if I was a moron just cause there are some members of my faculty that have to have everything spelled out. So needless to say my mood swiftly turned.
After school got out, I headed to the golf course, where my mood suddenly turned to one of irritation. Irritation at having to answer the phone or deal with the members. I just didn't want to be there.
Now I sit here wondering what am I doing here. Maybe I am just in a funk, but I HATE where I live. It sucks! Of course it doesn't help that all of my friends, who I love dearly, are married, have kids, etc. I just feel like I am all alone and am going to stay this way. It is so frustrating. As I was at work tonight, I just kept thinking, I gotta get out of this town, this state, and try something different. Of course, now is a fine time to come to this realization with a new school year starting and there being no way to rectify this situation for like 9-10 months. Figures, just the way my brain works some days.
I don't know where I want to go, but just somewhere. But do I really have the gumption to just pack up and move somewhere away from the friends and family that I have been around for years. To start something totally new and exciting? I would like to say "hell, yeah" since all of my friends think I am so brave...but I just don't know. I could teach anywhere...I have always said that. But could I really? Could I move to Florida and get a job? or Texas? or Indiana? I just don't know. Anyone got a good state I could move to?
Maybe I am just in a funk and will come out of it. Who knows? Just know, that I hate this feeling and how my life is going. I hate being the only single person I know who has no attachments and can fly by the seat of her pants. It sounds like it would be fun, but actually it is really kind of lonely. While everyone else has someone to come home to, I come home to an empty house...perhaps that's why I work so much. There's nothing else to do in this town. I think what I really need is a big city...where I can get lost and yet still have plenty to keep me excited and occupied.
My friends are always teasing me that I have friends all over the country. And I do, and could probably move close to someone I know, so that I wouldn't be totally alone. I just don't know what to do...anyone got any suggestions?
After school got out, I headed to the golf course, where my mood suddenly turned to one of irritation. Irritation at having to answer the phone or deal with the members. I just didn't want to be there.
Now I sit here wondering what am I doing here. Maybe I am just in a funk, but I HATE where I live. It sucks! Of course it doesn't help that all of my friends, who I love dearly, are married, have kids, etc. I just feel like I am all alone and am going to stay this way. It is so frustrating. As I was at work tonight, I just kept thinking, I gotta get out of this town, this state, and try something different. Of course, now is a fine time to come to this realization with a new school year starting and there being no way to rectify this situation for like 9-10 months. Figures, just the way my brain works some days.
I don't know where I want to go, but just somewhere. But do I really have the gumption to just pack up and move somewhere away from the friends and family that I have been around for years. To start something totally new and exciting? I would like to say "hell, yeah" since all of my friends think I am so brave...but I just don't know. I could teach anywhere...I have always said that. But could I really? Could I move to Florida and get a job? or Texas? or Indiana? I just don't know. Anyone got a good state I could move to?
Maybe I am just in a funk and will come out of it. Who knows? Just know, that I hate this feeling and how my life is going. I hate being the only single person I know who has no attachments and can fly by the seat of her pants. It sounds like it would be fun, but actually it is really kind of lonely. While everyone else has someone to come home to, I come home to an empty house...perhaps that's why I work so much. There's nothing else to do in this town. I think what I really need is a big city...where I can get lost and yet still have plenty to keep me excited and occupied.
My friends are always teasing me that I have friends all over the country. And I do, and could probably move close to someone I know, so that I wouldn't be totally alone. I just don't know what to do...anyone got any suggestions?
School Days
Let me start with my BB rant. Of all things to happen tonight...Janelle wins the POV. WTF? That is so a load of crap. Apparently, no one is to be trusted in the house for poor Dani. That so sucks...so Kaysar went up. At least that's a good thing...hopefully he goes, although it would be a shame since he is fun to look at...much more than Will or Mike...but anyway, we'll just see what happens. Hopefully someone else will win HOH on Sunday besides S6 so that Janie can go up again next week.
So tomorrow begins another school year for me and amazing to some but I am excited. Of course, I am always excited about the start of a new year, the new things I will try, the people I haven't seen all summer, and of course to see what little angels and deviants I get the pleasure of teaching this year. Tomorrow is actually the first of three straight days of inservice where we get to go and sit at school for 6 hours and learn about stuff we already know. Sounds great, doesn't it? NOT! Then the kids will actually come a week from tomorrow. Which is when the real fun starts...the part I am actually excited about. I absolutely hate inservice...they read to us...and take forever to do what could be done in just a few hours. It is sheer mental pain.
So with this post, I will mourn the loss of my summer, my ability to take spontaneous road trips, play golf, sleep late, and basically just hang out. It's back to early mornings and late nights what with being at school during the day and at the golf course in the evenings. Now it's time to look forward to fall break and my Vegas trip with friends from my cruise.
Oh and on a side note...that guy I mentioned from Indy...he emailed me! How about that? Said something about seeing me in Vegas or maybe even sooner....so we'll just see what happens I guess. Maybe there is something to this living life thing after all.
So tomorrow begins another school year for me and amazing to some but I am excited. Of course, I am always excited about the start of a new year, the new things I will try, the people I haven't seen all summer, and of course to see what little angels and deviants I get the pleasure of teaching this year. Tomorrow is actually the first of three straight days of inservice where we get to go and sit at school for 6 hours and learn about stuff we already know. Sounds great, doesn't it? NOT! Then the kids will actually come a week from tomorrow. Which is when the real fun starts...the part I am actually excited about. I absolutely hate inservice...they read to us...and take forever to do what could be done in just a few hours. It is sheer mental pain.
So with this post, I will mourn the loss of my summer, my ability to take spontaneous road trips, play golf, sleep late, and basically just hang out. It's back to early mornings and late nights what with being at school during the day and at the golf course in the evenings. Now it's time to look forward to fall break and my Vegas trip with friends from my cruise.
Oh and on a side note...that guy I mentioned from Indy...he emailed me! How about that? Said something about seeing me in Vegas or maybe even sooner....so we'll just see what happens I guess. Maybe there is something to this living life thing after all.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
This past weekend I took another of my spur of the moment road trips and what a trip it was! After work on Saturday I jumped in the truck and headed to Indianapolis to a cookout given by one of my friends that I met on my cruise. Jason is crazy so I knew it would be a good time! Plus I got to see Tana, awesome girl!
First I whupped the boys at poker so much so that some of them quit. Now for anyone who knows me this is a first. I suck at poker. I can't bluff so if I bet you should know that I actually have something to bet on. Well, to my advantage these guys didn't know me. So I took them. Unfortunately there was no money on the game. DAMN! That could have paid for gas for the trip. Anyhoo....
The we moved the party outdoors and started playing asshole. Anybody remember that drinking game? I haven't played since college so I was a little rusty. But what fun! I went from the president all the way to asshole in one hand. That sucks cause anyone and everyone can tell you to drink just because you are breathing. But then again, I did bring alcohol I planned on drinking so it all worked out in the end. There was also a little beer pong, and some flip cup that added to the intake of alcohol. So funny!
Here are some more pictures....
Of course, when I drink I get a little chatty and tend to flirt just a bit...okay so a bit more than normal for anyone out there laughing at that. I had set my sights on one guy in particular. Now I have never been good at playing hard to get so of course I make it pretty obvious that he's the one I want for the night. Well, we end up on the sofa bed before the night is out. My friend Jason (his house and the guy's friend) comes out of his room before going to sleep and pauses beside the bed. I am curious at this and begin to wonder but then his friend starts kissing me and I soon forget about it. Later on, during the heavy petting and kissing, all of which were wonderful for a single girl, let me tell ya! My hand touches something and I find out what Jason's gift was....guess! An item that came in handy and was well-used. It is so funny, cause I am so not that kind of girl. However, I find myself sliding more and more towards that end of the spectrum and not worrying at all about it. I'm young and having a good time. However, what's even more amazing to me is the fact that the next morning, after cuddling and snuggling of course, it came time for me to get up and continue my weekend road trip. I got up, got dressed, kissed him good bye, and really didn't think twice about him the rest of the weekend. Really strange, cause I tend to dwell on things and want what I can't have. However, I don't really care if I see him again or not...if I do, great, if not, whatever! I really think I am moving on to a new stage in my life. Sure I want what every girl wants, that one true love and I know he is out there but where, who knows? I know I am having a really good time though trying to find him. LOL!
After I left, I continued on my trip down to BG, KY...a good four hours to see my college roommate's new baby. He is such a cutie! Spent some time with her, watched Big Brother and then began the two hour trip back home. It was uneventful except for following a car in one-lane interstate construction going like 40 for like 15 miles...so slow in fact that there were like 15 cars behind them. A little scary though when car tried to merge onto the interstate and couldn't and have to swerve off the road and actually ended up sideways in the breakdown lane....the car in front slammed on the brakes and swerved...I thought I was going to end up in the median. I think bad traffic just follows me...first GA, now this...however, I finally made it home in one piece and crashed until like noon today.
Okay one last thing...gotta rant about Big Brother! So did you watch it? If so, Janie so got what she deserved...too funny! Now if only Dani or James can get the veto, take James off and put up Kaysar it would be too sweet.
Tana, Me, Matt, and Joel after playing asshole!
First I whupped the boys at poker so much so that some of them quit. Now for anyone who knows me this is a first. I suck at poker. I can't bluff so if I bet you should know that I actually have something to bet on. Well, to my advantage these guys didn't know me. So I took them. Unfortunately there was no money on the game. DAMN! That could have paid for gas for the trip. Anyhoo....
The we moved the party outdoors and started playing asshole. Anybody remember that drinking game? I haven't played since college so I was a little rusty. But what fun! I went from the president all the way to asshole in one hand. That sucks cause anyone and everyone can tell you to drink just because you are breathing. But then again, I did bring alcohol I planned on drinking so it all worked out in the end. There was also a little beer pong, and some flip cup that added to the intake of alcohol. So funny!
Here are some more pictures....
Matt and Tana after a game of beer pong
Matt, Me, and the "guy"
Bob and Chris
The boys playing some game that zaps you. It hurts!
Of course, when I drink I get a little chatty and tend to flirt just a bit...okay so a bit more than normal for anyone out there laughing at that. I had set my sights on one guy in particular. Now I have never been good at playing hard to get so of course I make it pretty obvious that he's the one I want for the night. Well, we end up on the sofa bed before the night is out. My friend Jason (his house and the guy's friend) comes out of his room before going to sleep and pauses beside the bed. I am curious at this and begin to wonder but then his friend starts kissing me and I soon forget about it. Later on, during the heavy petting and kissing, all of which were wonderful for a single girl, let me tell ya! My hand touches something and I find out what Jason's gift was....guess! An item that came in handy and was well-used. It is so funny, cause I am so not that kind of girl. However, I find myself sliding more and more towards that end of the spectrum and not worrying at all about it. I'm young and having a good time. However, what's even more amazing to me is the fact that the next morning, after cuddling and snuggling of course, it came time for me to get up and continue my weekend road trip. I got up, got dressed, kissed him good bye, and really didn't think twice about him the rest of the weekend. Really strange, cause I tend to dwell on things and want what I can't have. However, I don't really care if I see him again or not...if I do, great, if not, whatever! I really think I am moving on to a new stage in my life. Sure I want what every girl wants, that one true love and I know he is out there but where, who knows? I know I am having a really good time though trying to find him. LOL!
After I left, I continued on my trip down to BG, KY...a good four hours to see my college roommate's new baby. He is such a cutie! Spent some time with her, watched Big Brother and then began the two hour trip back home. It was uneventful except for following a car in one-lane interstate construction going like 40 for like 15 miles...so slow in fact that there were like 15 cars behind them. A little scary though when car tried to merge onto the interstate and couldn't and have to swerve off the road and actually ended up sideways in the breakdown lane....the car in front slammed on the brakes and swerved...I thought I was going to end up in the median. I think bad traffic just follows me...first GA, now this...however, I finally made it home in one piece and crashed until like noon today.
Okay one last thing...gotta rant about Big Brother! So did you watch it? If so, Janie so got what she deserved...too funny! Now if only Dani or James can get the veto, take James off and put up Kaysar it would be too sweet.
Well it's late...talk to you later.
Friday, August 4, 2006
Motion Sickness
Okay so as some of you may know I work at a golf course part-time during the summer. Yesterday and today was one of our big women's tournaments. Yesterday went well except for being extremely hot, but today was classic. As we were loading participant's golf clubs onto their carts, this one women approaches our assistant pro and tells him that she has motion sickness and has to drive her own golf cart. Unfortunately we didn't have any extra carts. She was in a foursome with two of our members who own their own carts so we were using theirs. She proceeded to start the tournament in her foursome and after playing four holes withdrew because she was sick from not being able to drive her own cart. We were told by one of the other people playing in her group. Needless to say, we were totally amazed and a little amused by it. This woman has serious issues apparently. She came down into the proshop and proceeded to rant and rave at our golf pro about how she couldn't believe that she paid for this tournament and a cart and couldn't get her own. How it wasn't fair that just because she has this illness, she was being penalized. How we were forcing her to stop playing golf. She was almost in tears. Now I know that motion sickness is real and that people do get carsick, airsick, and seasick. I have been seasick and airsick myself at times. However what gets me is that she has motion sickness from riding in a golf cart! A golf cart which goes oh let's say 15 mph tops! You have got to be kidding! I am still laughing about this one!
Big Brother
Yes, I freely admit it, I am a Big Brother addict. I never miss it, in fact, the TIVO is set to record just in case I have to work late one night.
I don't know if there are any other addicts out there or not...but I just want to string little Janey up somewhere and beat her for being so stupid!!!! Last season I loved her and this season I can't stand her. I think Marcellus nailed it when he said she was picking off the girls one by one so she could be left with all the guys and they would fight over who would be left with her. WHATEVER!!!!
I also cannot stand Will and she is so letting him con her in to doing what he wants. As for her stupid alliance, they are just letting her do what she wants with no penalty whatsoever and it is only going to come back and bite them in the end. James finally got smart and declared war...however, I don't know if teaming up with Dani is such a good idea. I like her, but can she be trusted???? Anyway, I am so over the BB6 alliance. They have obviously forgotten how to play this game in their short vacation away from the house. Whoever wins the HOH this week needs to get Chill Town and/or Janey out of the game and fast!!!!
Also, if anyone is interested Marcellus has a blog out there too although he obviously isn't blogging at the moment.
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