Saturday, February 11, 2006

Meeting Men

Okay I am sick and tired of meeting someone and having a nice conversation and then BAM! it turns into a sex talk. Sex is great don't get me wrong...but come on! Can we talk about something else. My friends think I am crazy but I just need more. I want a committed relationship with the sex! Is that so wrong? I met this guy tonight in a chat room and we really hit it off. We talked about our jobs, families, likes, dislikes, etc. then suddenly he comes out of nowhere with questions about fetishes and sex toys. I am a blunt person and very little offends me so of course I answer his questions. However, they just keep coming...and coming...and coming...He had to be hard! Why torture yourself like that? Its 2am, not like I'm going up there tonight even if I wanted to. Why do guys have to always push it to far too fast? Why don't they understand that we are not all sex addicts? Do I like to have sex? Sure. Do I want to have sex? Sure. Do I want to have sex with someone I don't know? Are you kidding me? However, we did make plans to talk again and I did leave that room with a definite smile on my face. (wink, wink)


hkghkghk said...


The Volpinator said...

thanks Marc...that was really helpful!

Unknown said...

Interesting. I am all for sex, just as much as the next guy, but I rarely talk about it. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

The Volpinator said...

thank you thomas...i completely agree!

Miss Innocent said...

Uhoh, Hanging out with me might be why they think U are a sex-addict...Just a thought!

The Volpinator said...

Could be...