Sunday, February 12, 2006

Meeting Men Part 2

Okay so I got online tonight checking email etc. and ended up chatting with the guy from last night for like 3 hours. S is a really nice guy just not right for me it turns out. I don't want to stereotype but he turned out to be like most guys I have, sex, sex! No getting to know you first and see what happens. You either sleep with him or its no deal. We talked about a lot of stuff but as always the conversation turns mainly to sex. Now my friend Laurel would have loved the conversation and had a I just don't really care. To me sex is part of a relationship, not something you do to see if there can be a relationship. S felt differently. I then suddenly got angry...not sure why. Last night it seemed as if he wanted more, like a date or something, and then wham! the mood just changed. I just can't understand men sometimes, why it all has to be about sex. I get tired of guys with no patience to wait and see what develops. They have to have it all right now. They might be surprised at what they got if they would just give it a rest. He tried to compare it to women and emotional needs. That his need for sex was the same as my need for emotional stuff. I sort of see his point, but tried to reason that the sex will fade in time and all you are left with is the emotional connection. So if all you had was sex and no emotion, then what? However, we obviously didn't see eye to eye. S and I decided to be friends and that's great, just disappointing. I was really starting to like him. He seemed intelligent and down to earth and was really easy to talk to. The smile I had last night faded and vanished for a moment. But then I thought about it. I don't have to settle or change who I am for someone else. I can be me! He helped me see that being friends was our best option at this juncture. However, he and I both agreed, staying in contact would be good. You never know what might happen.

On another note, had two other people try to chat with me tonight while talking to S. One was E. He tried to talk and ended up laying all this shit about his family on me, how his dad died and his mom was sick. I tried to be caring and listened but come on! Said he wanted a relationship but guys that is not the way to do it. Who wants to get into a relationship with such heavy stuff. That is something you should build up to gradually. Then there is Seedy. First of all, Seedy is 21. A child! He begins the conversation with 'hi' and then immediately begins talking about his package and how long and big it is. (his description was totally unrealistic by the way) I told him so and then he calls me unintelligent and disillusioned. Okay so insult the woman you are talking to. That's the way to win her affection! So he keeps talking about it and he even sends me a pic of it. Are you kidding me? Why do guys think that is what all women want? I know some do and even appreciate it but not all of us. Something about actually having a pic of your package is strange. What do you do? Just take it out and stare at it! Get a life! However my friend Laurel got him...she put him on her blog for all the world to see. Which of course he probably wanted. More ladies to see him and his "giant" package!


Blue said...

Don't ever settle - you owe it to yourself to be true to your desires and goals. The 'right' person is out there - kinda like the truth really lol

Enjoyed ur blog

Miss Innocent said...

Hey chica, U are who U are and that is exactly Y I love you! As for "Seedy". I took down the post, his whining, pussy ass atiitude was getting to me. But it was great wasn't it?! Now if I can just keep him from coming back to my blog....

The Volpinator said...

definitely sounds like a plan...wondered why it came down...who cared about hiw whining...he deserve it!

Miss Innocent said...

Hehe...After thinking about it I may need to bring back that post for HNT! What do you think?

The Volpinator said...

HNT post! Excellent idea!

KJ said...

Don't settle, girl. Take it from me........hold out for the man of your dreams!!!

The Volpinator said...

Thanks girl! See you figured out who I am! LOL!