Friday, July 6, 2007

Big Brother Premiere: First Impressions

Okay so absolutely love the BB house. Too cool! Especially the rooms that have the HUGE furniture and the itty bitty stuff. Hilarious!

Now for first impressions:

Dick: Tommy Lee wannabe...rude, crude, and "Evil Dick?" how appropriate
Danielle: Dick's daughter, seems sweet, I think I like her
Jameka: A Danielle Jr.
Carol: seems to have her head on her shoulders and have some intelligence
Nick: opening quip "body for bait" WHATEVER...full of himself
Jessica: Carol's rival...blond ditzy bimbo!
Eric: wants to fly under everyone's radar and now we see why...gonna be America's pawn
Jen: annoying slut, need I say more
Mike: nice arms but hairspray? come on, be a man!
Kail: religious mom, probably gonna get on people's nerves
Joe: fruitcake...he's gotta go, however he will be fun to watch especially when he's fighting with Eric, so obviously he is not over him
Amber: single mom, nice
Zach: good looking
Dustin: fruitcake #2, Joe's Ex, but not nearly as annoying as Joe

So there you have it, my initial impressions, we'll just have to see how it goes...I will say this though, Dick, Jessica, and Joe have to go! Soon!

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