So I went to the game last night and it was going good. The rain was holding off and we got through the homecoming festivities. Got the queen crowned and the band played and the teams marched back onto the fields and then BOOM!
Lightning filled the sky!
That meant at least 30 minutes delay from the last seen strike. Unfortunately, I don't think they ever finished the game cause from that point on lightning and thunder was all that was seen and heard. It was crazy. It poured last night. Now I love the rain, but it was loud! I have a window unit in my bedroom and of course when it rains, I hear the drops on the metal outside the window. It was so loud last night, it was hard to sleep. That made getting up this morning for work rather difficult.
Yes, I said I got up for work on a Saturday, so that must mean the golf course. Now you may ask why in the hell and I'm going to work at a golf course in the rain? Good question. Here is what I saw when I came in to work this morning.

Are you seeing what I am seeing? Water everywhere. What is the point of me being at work? To answer the phone! We were supposed to have a tournament there today and tomorrow, and I had to call members this morning and let them know it had obviously been postponed. What fun! Called one guy and his kid answers the phone "Hello Who is this please?" That's right, all in one breath I might add? What happened to phone ettiquette! Geez! So then I go outside to get some air and I see this:
Now just what the hell is that? I thought at first it was just brush washed up from the rain or blown from the wind...but upon closer inspection...those are earthworms! Now you know it has rained when the earthworms come up out of the dirt because they are drowning! Crazy! So work proceeded today with me watching the TV and grading science tests. How great is that? To get paid to do my school work! LOL! However, what a boring morning. Finally, my relief shows up and I leave. I decide to take a drive down to that driving range I was talking about and see how much water it had. Check out our new pets!
Guess I won't be having to pick it anytime soon at least not without a boat!
On the way out of the course, I stopped to snap some pictures of the most flooded hole on the golf course just to see how much, if any, the water had gone down.
As you can see the water had receded a little from 7am to 1pm but not a lot...and we got more rain today! And the best part is I get to go and do it all over again tomorrow! Yippee! Have a good one!