Monday, February 26, 2007
Another Long weekend
I'm sitting at lunch on Friday and I get the distinct feeling that my department at school knows something I don't. I hate that. Somedays I hate them! If someone in the department steps out for lunch they always forget to ask me if I want something to eat. Now it goes without saying I usually don't since I am watching what I'm eating right now, but they could at least ask. If something has been put in our mailboxes, and one of them goes to get theirs, it seems as if they get everyone's but mine. What's up with that? And the latest is that I believe they are wanting someone to transfer from the other school in the district to take the place of a teacher who is retiring this year. Now that's cool, but couldn't you at least share? Of course, this is all blamed on the fact that I teach in two departments so it is "natural" that I get overlooked. I was thinking of moving into the classroom of the teacher who is retiring, but I am starting to rethink that one. Don't know if I want to be that close to people who don't see me as a true member of the department. Although, according to the principal, I should be a full member of that department and quit having to share my time with two. It just pisses me off when people do things behind my back!
So I'm going on a trip to FL this Spring Break as a chaperone with the school band. Got an invoice in the mail today with my final balance showing and it is almost $100 more than was originally quoted to me. Panic! I don't have the money to pay it. I had really budgeted my money in order to make it work, and now they spring this on me. Come to find out the reason it is so much more is that two of the female chaperones requested their own room, leaving me and the other one to pay the double room rate whether we want to or now. Now that's just not fair. I didn't ask for a special room assignment but because of others I am being forced to do so. Hopefully I can talk the boosters into making this equitable.
Girls' tennis players are dropping like flies. I had two of my senior girls quit on the first day of practice because they said they had to get jobs to pay for Spring Break. They couldn't play tennis because they had to make money so they can go to FL and get drunk! WTF! Then today, another senior who had been trying to work out her schedule with tennis and work, comes to me and quits. Then I find out that one of my junior girls has mono and will be out 4-6 weeks! What's next? A nuclear attack? Needless to say I now have 3 varsity spots to fill and no one to fill them with that has any experience whatsoever. Crazy!
I think I am getting a cold! I hate getting a cold. And it sucks, cause I have to be outside for 2 hours with the tennis team every day. That certainly doesn't help.
Watched the Illustionist tonight. Good flick!
Got a chain letter in the mail today. It contained a lottery ticket! Never had this kind before...kind of cool. I didn't win with this one, but maybe the next one. Supposedly if it all goes right, I should get 35 more tickets in the mail. Surely one of the is the big one! LOL!
Anyway, hope the week gets better!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My Weekend
I finally get to the game, which we win by the way, and get ready to go home. Now Saturday is the day we got quite a bit of snow so driving home was a long trip, treacherous and icy and I'm scared to death of tearing up my new car. However, thankfully I made it home and survived my first trip on the snow and ice in my new car.
Buying a hybrid did pay off for me this year even though I am struggling with the car payments. Did you know that buying a hybrid this year entitled you to a tax break? I didn't, but upon further research it does. A huge one! Yeah for me, a nice refund, which of course I have all but spent. LOL!
Monday night, I went and played in my first Texas Hold 'Em tournament. Now I have played on the computer but never live. That was an experience. I was clueless! However I did win a couple of hands and even survived through the first break, first chip exchange, and even had to swap tables. This being said, I did last longer than some. Not bad for my first try. Of course, this was a free tournament so that made it all the better for me, the newbie! Had a good time though and even knew some of the people there including a former friend of my former roommate. We had a good laugh about all of that crap.
Couldn't get out of bed for my morning workout this morning. Alarm went off at 5 and I was like hell no! not today. Sucks though cause that means I missed out today. Due to tennis practice and a stupid confidentiality meeting after school and then working a ballgame taking tickets from 5 to 9, just now obviously getting home. However I did make if for American Idol! Yeah, any way, since there was no workout, I'll have to update you on my goal tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream |
So as I am home on my 7th snowday this year, and I am just a bit bored. We keep missing these days and there is no snow on the ground. I mean seriously...I got up at 5 for my workout, turned on the TV and we are out of school. I look at the window and there is nothing on the ground. I am just so frustrated with this. I don't want to be in school for the entire month of June! Anyway as I was bored I went blog surfing and found this. Now since I love ice cream and really can't have it right now with the whole weight loss thing thought it was kind of humorous.
As you can see, the weight loss is moving right now but I feel as I have reached this plateau and am trying to punch through. As of today I am more than halfway to my goal. That's great but just can't kick through this and get that number to move some more.
Today is also Valentine's day so....
Not a huge fan of the holiday but I guess some like it...go figure!
While I was on the treadmill for my daily workout today, I got to watch CNN for an hour and listened to Bush's press conference. Many of the questions asked were about the war in Iraq and that of course got me thinking about my brother. Now while we knew he was leaving for Baghdad in May, we really weren't concerned because he was going to get a 30 day leave to come home before he left. We found out last week that his deployment date has been moved up to the end of March and the 30 day leave has been cancelled. At this point we really don't know whether we will be able to get to see him before he leaves or not at this point. This sucks, cause he is going to be gone for an entire year. I'm hoping either he or us can find a weekend free and go to Seattle to see him before he leaves, but it looks very doubtful. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as well as all of the other armed forces.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Of course, our administrators can't call off school the night before so I have to wait until I get up at 5am to go to the gym. I get up, turn on the TV, see the closings and of course promptly go back to bed. Forget the gym at 5...I'll wait until eleven or so. Gym time is still going well, burning lots of calories on the treadmill and this week I started some weight training. I'm down about 13 pounds since the first of the year but have a bunch to go to get where I want. It's working, and I enjoy the way I feel afterwards but that's about all I'm doing these days besides playing on the computer and watching TV. I want to go back to work!
Today they are predicting 2-5 inches of snow where I live which probably means I won't go to work tomorrow. Rumors are already spreading that we won't be back until Monday. NOOO!!!! Looking outside, the road is almost covered in white and it's a main road, I hate to think what the country roads are like now and will be later. So glad I have no where to go right now, the car is parked and is going to stay there. If it wasn't for the gym, I would have no social interaction and I so need social interaction of some kind. I'm going crazy! It's times like these that being single sucks! Of course just when you think you might be on to something with someone, they get scared and run. That happened to me last week too on top of the snow! Men suck!
Oh well enough bitching about the weather and my social status, not as if I can do anything to change it right now. Hope everyone is having a better week than I am....